In de kijker
maa 13
Studiedag 'Informatiebeheer voor bouwprojecten '
Lokaal 0.1 - lokaal UGain, Technologiepark 60, 9052 Zwijnaarde
maa 14
Symposium 'Meet the PhD Jury - Advances in Signal Processing'
Meeting room 1.2 - James Maxwell, iGent, Campus Ardoyen, Technologiepark Zwijnaarde 126, 9052 Zwijnaarde
maa 15
Infodag industrieel ingenieur
Gebouw 126, Campus Ardoyen, Tech Lane Ghent Science Park, Zwijnaarde 82, 9052 Gent
maa 15
Infodag burgerlijk ingenieur
Gebouw 126, Campus Ardoyen, Tech Lane Ghent Science Park, Zwijnaarde 82, 9052 Gent
maa 14
Single-Channel Speech Enhancement with Prior Knowledge
Song, Yanjue
maa 18
Accelerating Nonlinear Model Predictive Control through Optimal Control Problem Reformulations
Neve, Thomas
maa 19
Advancing Industrial High-Temperature Heat Pumps through Financial, Thermodynamic and Technological Evaluation
Vieren, Elias
maa 24
Manufacturing and Characterisation of Reprocessable/Repairable Glass-Fibre-Reinforced Vitrimers
Amfilochiou, Virginia