Funding opportunities
An overview of the different funding possibilities for research at Ghent University.
Some funding agencies offer possibilities for pre- or postdoctoral researchers to apply for a scholarship or fellowship at Ghent University on an individual basis.
- Before applying, candidates should always seek approval of a professor at Ghent University (contact details of all research groups).
- Doctoral candidates with external funding are advised to have clear agreement with their supervisor on additional allowances for their research stay (cf. supervision allowance or bench fee).
- Your own government may also offer scholarships for study and/or research abroad. Contact the appropriate authorities in your country.
By career stage
PhD candidates
General information on applying for a PhD at Ghent University
- Open positions
- BOF - Doctoral scholarships for candidates from developing countries
- BOF - Grants for Chinese candidates holding a CSC-grant
- FWO - PhD Fellowship fundamental research
- FWO - PhD Fellowship strategic basic research
- FWO - Special PhD Fellowship
- VLAIO - Baekeland mandates: A PhD in collaboration with the industry
- BAEF - Fellowships for study or PhD research of US-citizens in Belgium
- Fulbright Scholarship Programme
Postdoctoral opportunities
- Open positions
- BOF - Postdoctoral Fellowships
- FWO - Junior Postdoctoral Fellowship
- FWO - Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship
- FWO - Odysseus initiative
- FWO - Senior Clinical investigator
- FWO - Scientific stay in Flanders
- VLAIO - Innovation mandates
- EU - MSCA – Postdoctoral Fellowship
- EU - ERC grant at Ghent University
- BAEF: Fellowships for postdoc research of US-citizens in Belgium
- Fulbright Scholarship Programme
Projects & Institutional cooperation
- FWO - Medium-scale research infrastructure
- FWO - Large-scale research infrastructure
- FWO - SBO (Strategic Basic Research)
- FWO - TBM (Applied Biomedical Research with a Primary Social finality)
- FWO - Bilateral Agreements
- FWO - Research networks
- International Foundation for Science (IFS)
- European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technological research (COST)
- BOF - Interuniversity projects
- Erasmus+
By funding source
- Special Research Fund (BOF)
- Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
- Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)
- European and other international funding (eg. Horizon Europe)
- Erasmus+
- Industrial Research Fund (IOF)
- Mobility Fund to support incoming and outgoing mobility
- Partnerschips with the Global South ( eg. VLIR-UOS)
More information
These are some external websites offering a helping hand during your scholarship search: