In de kijker
maa 28
Lezing 'Meet the PhD Jury - Integrin a11, a CAF biomarker and target & Characterizing fibroblast heterogeneity in cancers: divergent effects on immunotherapy response'
Meeting room Together, The CORE (Entrance 37a), UZ Ghent, 9000 Ghent
apr 3
Symposium 'Een gezonde mond, een leven lang'
Provinciehuis Leuven, Provincieplein 1, 3010 Leuven
apr 7
Lezing 'Causality reasoning in research'
Together in The Core, Campus UZ Gent
apr 22
Lezing 'New advances in single cell research'
FSVMI building, seminar room, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 71, 9052 Zwijnaarde
maa 27
Brain irradiation, blood-brain barrier leakage and brain energy delivery: Connexin-43 hemichannels matter!
Schumacher, Steffi
maa 27
Breaking barriers in cancer research: the promise of a non-taxoid microtubule stabilizer and three-dimensional spheroid models
Vermeulen , Stephanie
maa 27
LEVEL UP: Development and feasibility of ‘Matti’, a tangible user interface for exergaming and postural control assessment
Ockerman, Jorn
maa 28
The Plasticity of Cancer- Associated Fibroblasts
Xia , Zihan