Webinar on the role of AI in sexual and reproductive health and rights

23-05-2024 from 15:00 to 16:00

The world Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Special Programme on Human Reproduction (HRP) recently released a technical brief examining the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). This brief discusses both the opportunities and risks associated with AI in this field. One of the authors of the brief, Mrs Tigest Tamrat, will present the report and open the discussion with the audience on this pressing and evolving matter, reflecting the need for collaborative efforts to harness AI's potential in advancing sexual and reproductive health outcomes worldwide.

Tigest Tamrat is a Scientist in the Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research at the World Health Organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. Her work focuses on the use of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, to accelerate health system improvements and support sexual and reproductive health. Within this role, she coordinates multisite research on the design and impact of digital tools as well as development of key WHO resources including the Classification of Digital Health Interventions, Guideline on Digital Interventions for Health System Strengthening, and Digital Investment Implementation Guide, and more recently the Technical Brief on AI and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. She holds a master’s in public health from Columbia University and is a PhD Candidate from the University of Geneva.

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