Abortion, contraception and family planning
Quite some progress has been made on all of the Millenium Development Goals (MDG‘s), but for the goal MDG 5b (providing universal access to reproductive health) it went slower than for the other goals. However, access to contraception, family planning and safe abortion belong to the most cost-effective methods to reduce mother and child mortality.
Marleen Temmerman started the session by giving an overview of the remaining challenges for research and policy making in the field of contraception, family planning and safe abortion. She stressed the importance of academics becoming more active in reaching out to policy makers and contributing to improvements in the field.
Katelyn Bryant-Comstock presented the finding of an analysis of structural determinants for the quality of reproductive health services in different geographical areas.
Jin-Lin-Liu elaborated on the implications of the recent universal two-child policy in China, and Rozemarijn Dereuddre explored the ‘East-West’ divide in the relation between gender inequality and contraception. The last part of the session was entirely devoted to the important topic of access to safe abortion.
Wei-Hong Zhang presented the results of a large study on post-abortion family planning services In China.
Elin Larsson lectured on induced abortion and contraceptive use among immigrant and non-immigrant women seeking abortion care in Stockholm County, and finally the session ended with findings from a qualitative study by Amanda Cleeve, exploring reproductive agency among young women seeking post-abortion care in Uganda.
Presentation by Marleen Temmerman