Projects relating to Microbial metabolism
Control of rumen methanogenesis
- Happy Climate Milk: Reducing enteric emissions in dairy cattle through feeding strategies (HappyCliMi)
Finished projects:
- Nutritioneel sturen naar een economisch en ecologisch duurzaam melkveebedrijf: focus op methaan en stikstof efficiëntie
- The effects of nutritional supplementation in early life on methane emissions and performance in ruminants (Sieglinde Debruyne)
- Persistent effects on rumen fermentation, methanogenesis and wall morphology through early life nutritional interventions (Alexis Ruiz Gonzalez)
- Enteric methane mitigation in dairy cattle via feeding strategies and the impact on the carbon footprint (Dorien Van Wesemael)
- Nutritionele mogelijkheden om te sturen naar een verhoogde stikstof-efficiëntie en een lagere ammoniak emmissie bij melkvee in het kader van de programmatische aanpak stikstof (PAS)
Microbial metabolism and interaction with host
- Understanding microbiomes of the ruminant holobiont (HoloRuminant)
Finished projects:
- Novel approaches to elucidate shifts in ruminal biohydrogenation pathways associated with milk fat depression (Lore Dewanckele)
- Biohydrogenation of docosahexaeinoic acid in the rumen: identification of intermediates and microbes involved (Marlène Escobar)
- Continuous registration of methane emitted by cattle and its assessment from milk fatty acid patterns (Joaquin Miguel Castro Montoya)
- The potential of vibrational spectroscopy techniques to determine minor milk fatty acids (Ivan Stefanov)
- Health and fertility challenges in high yielding dairy cows during the transition period and the use of dietary fatty acids as an optimization strategy (Miel Hostens)
- Pre-digestive metabolism of fatty acids in grass and maize silage (Nazir Khan)
- Onderzoek naar effect van klavercomponenten op lipolyse tijdens het inkuilproces en het pensmetabolisme en belang voor veredeling (Gijs Van Ranst)
- Sturing van lipolyse en biohydrogenatie van poly-onverzadigde vetzuren in de pens met het oog op optimalisatie van de melk-vetzuursamenstelling (Charlotte Boeckaert)
- Effect of feed factors and rumen lipid metabolism on the fatty acid composition and quality of meat from ruminants (Marta Lourenço)