Vandemoortele Centre 'Lipid Science and Technology'

Vandemoortele Centre

The Vandemoortele Centre ‘Lipid Science and Technology’ was founded in 2012 (pictures) resulting from the already long lasting collaboration between Vandemoortele Lipids and the Food Structure and Function (FSF) Research Group (formerly known as Laboratory of Food Technology and Engineering (FTE)) led by Prof. Koen Dewettinck. The Vandemoortele Centre is embedded in FSF and has since its foundation gained international reputation for its contributions in the field of lipid structuring. In 2017, the collaboration agreement was renewed. Since October 2018, Filip Van Bockstaele became the second director of the research centre. Since 2019, the scope expanded towards the microbial shelf life of w/o emulsions as also the Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Preservation (LFMFP) led by prof. Frank Devlieghere joined the Vandemoortele Centre for this aspect. The research conducted within the Vandemoortele Centre resulted in >50 A1-publications, 4 PhD theses, and multiple master theses and traineeships.


The main objective of the Centre is to generate fundamental understanding in edible soft matter systems like fat spreads, oleogels, water-in-oil emulsions, structured oils etc. for future development of healthy lipid-based food products which meet the consumers standards of texture, mouthfeel and taste. In the past years many attention has been given to alternative approaches for oil structuring with the goal to reduce the content of saturated fatty acids (SaFa) in lipid-based foods. Recently, the scope of the centre was widened for the specific topic of microbial stability of water-in-oil emulsions. 

Research focus

The research within the Centre encompasses following topics: fat crystallization, oleogelation, emulsions, processing, stability, rheology, texture, mouthfeel, functionality, multiscale analysis of fat crystal networks, microscopy, SaFa reduction, clean label, emulsifiers, waxes, oil binding, etc.

Research Facilities

The Vandemoortele Research Centre is embedded within the Food Structure and Function (FSF) Research Group at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering located at campus Coupure (Ghent, Belgium).

Researchers affiliated to Centre have access to the analytical equipment within the FS&F group (fat analysis, DSC, LR-NMR, cryo-SEM, rheology, texture, XRD, etc.). For lab scale bakery trials there is a collaboration with the bakery laboratory at Campus Schoonmeersen. Upscaling experiments are being performed at the Vandemoortele R&D Centre. 

For the research on fat crystallization and oleogelation the centre has specially acquired a unique bench top crystallizer (AC-unit) which comprises of a scraped surface heat exchanger (SSHE) and pinworker. This equipment allows to produce model system fat blends and emulsions under industrial relevant conditions of shear and cooling rates.



If you are interested to join the Vandemoortele Centre as a master student, PhD student or postdoc, please send your CV, your motivation to join and your research interests to Prof. dr. ir. Filip Van Bockstaele. For suitably qualified candidates, we can discuss the appropriate funding strategy. Open vacancies will be published on the UGent vacancies website.

Vandemoortele Award


poster aankondiging Vandemoortele Award 2024

The Vandemoortele Centre for Lipid Science and Technology is an established research centre at Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, since 2012. The objective of the centre is to build a strong platform based on fundamental research for future development of healthy and tasteful foods.

Keeping with this objective, the research centre wants to acknowledge excellent research in the domain of plant-based foods. Hence, an annual award has been established from 2013 onwards which will be awarded to a master thesis on  fundamental or application research dealing with plant-based foods (including but non-limiting to production, optimization, evaluation, characterization, preservation, formulation, sensory aspects, sustainability or health impact).

Conditions and rules (edition 2025):

  • Cash amount of € 1000 and a certificate of merit will be given to the winner.
  • Only a thesis submitted at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Bioscience Engineering, Biosciences, (bio)Industrial Sciences, Food Technology or equivalent are considered.
  • Promotor/tutor is welcomed to nominate their thesis students but self-nomination by students is strongly encouraged.
  • The award aims to recognize distinct contributions. 
  • Entries (a pdf of the thesis and a short motivation by e-mail) must be received by 31 August 2025 and can be sent to Prof. Filip Van Bockstaele,
  • The entries will be evaluated by the Steering Committee of the Vandemoortele Centre chaired by Prof. Koen Dewettinck.

Queries can be directed via email to


 Vandemoortele Award 'Wall of Fame':


Alix Steyaert


Gastro-intestinaal gedrag van de boterzuurproducerende Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum, een nieuw kandidaat-probioticum voor inflammatoire darmziekten


Leen Sturtewagen

Resource use profile and nutritional value assessment of a canteen meal; a case study on pork vs quorn


Chak Ming To

Oleogelation by food-grade waxes


Robbe Heymans

Sugar replacement in white compound chocolate


Iris Van Dam

Impact of human faecal microbial communities on carotenoid release from taxo and carrot juice


Lien Tytgat

Pound cake produced with whipped oleogels


Emma De Beul

Biocatalytic production of rare sugars


Marie Romanus

Developing hybrid shortenings by combining palm stearin and waxes


Daniël Peeters

Poly(2-isopropenyl-2-oxazoline)-based nanofiber network


Benice Petré

Tuning the manufacturing process of no-added-sugar milk real chocolate


Kelly Kristabel Wibowo

The influence of heat treatment on the foaming properties of oat-based drinks


Antonia Dewettinck

Structural build-up of the fat crystal network in hybrid oleogels containing mono- and triglycerides


Contact & information

Prof. dr. ir. Filip Van Bockstaele