ir. Cas Decancq

Cas Decancq specializes in climate and weather extremes, particularly in both physical and statistical modeling of climate and weather system dynamics.


Cas Decancq

During a master’s degree in Bioscience Engineering focusing on land, water and climate, I studied causal dynamics of extreme heat episodes and how to integrate these in subseasonal forecasting in my thesis. I am captivated by the complexity of dynamic interactions that shape the world we live in, and study what processes impact the climate system for weeks or even months to come. These processes and their interactions can then be used to better our understanding of and ability to forecast climate extremes.


  • 2024–Present: PhD candidate | Ghent University, Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab
  • 2022-2024: MSc. in Bioscience Engineering: Land, Water and Climate | Ghent University
  • 2019-2022: BSc. in Bioscience Engineering | Ghent University


