Prof. dr. Diego Miralles

Diego Miralles specializes in ecohydrology, land–atmosphere interactions, global hydrology, hydro-climatic extremes and satellite remote sensing.


Diego Miralles

Diego Miralles became Professor in Hydrology and Climate at Ghent University in 2017, after a journey via UK, The Netherlands and USA. Being a climate scientist with a background on hydrology and remote sensing, his scientific interests and curiosity are wide.

He leads the Hydrology and Climate team which is dedicated to the understanding how the hydrosphere, biosphere and climate interact and the implications for current and future societies.

He is the recipient of ERC Starting and Consolidator grants and a Clarivate Highly Cited researcher.

Trajectory (short CV, sept. 2021)


Address: Coupure links 653 - Room A2.028

               9000 Ghent, Belgium

Phone: +32 9 264 61 35


ORCID | ResearcherID | Scopus | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | LinkedIn
