Haiyang Qian

Haiyang Qian specializes in ecohydrology, land-atmosphere interactions and global hydrology.


Haiyang Qian

After I obtained my master degree in studying water-energy-food relations at Northwest A&F University, I moved to a new field of ecohydrology and focused on land-atmosphere interactions from evaporation. Now I am currently a PhD candidate at the Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab in the Hydrology and Climate team of Ghent University. Being a newcomer, I have a wide of interests in the terrestrial-atmosphere interactions and my doctoral research revolves around the study of global evaporation, explicitly focusing on analyzing evaporation changes and distinguishing the effects of different factors.


  • 2022–Present: PhD candidate | Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab, Ghent University
  • 2020–Present: PhD candidate | College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University
  • 2017–2020: M.Eng. in Agricultural Engineering | College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University
  • 2013–2017: B.Eng. in Agricultural Engineering | College of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Hohai University


E-mail: Haiyang.Qian@UGent.be

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