ir. Jaron Vandenbroucke

Jaron Vandenbroucke specializes in snow remote sensing and radar backscatter modelling.


Jaron Vandenbroucke

After completing a Master’s degree in Bioscience Engineering: Land, Water, and Climate, I embarked on a PhD within the Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab, contributing to the WAVETRAX project. This project primarily aims to investigate the behavior of active microwave remote sensing observations in relation to surface processes and land-atmosphere interactions at sub-daily timescales. My research centers on snowpack characteristics, such as snow depth and snow water equivalent, as well as snow processes, including wind effects, melt-freeze cycles, rain-on-snow events, and snow metamorphism. This work involves conducting field experiments and modeling the snowpack using GLEAM, along with integrating machine learning techniques.


  • 2024–Present: PhD candidate | Ghent University, Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab
  • 2022-2024: MSc. in Bioscience Engineering: Land, Water and Climate | Ghent University


