Team SoFer


Prof. dr. ir. Stefaan De NeveProf. dr. ir. Stefaan De Neve

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.019

+32 (0) 9 264 60 61

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Prof. dr. ir. Steven SleutelProf. dr. ir. Steven Sleutel

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.016

+ 32 (0) 9 264 60 55

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Research and teaching assistant

MSc. Nick Krekelbergh

MSc. Nick Krekelbergh

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.028

+32 (0)9 264 60 52

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MSc. Junwei Hu

dr. Junwei Hu

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.017

+32 (0)9 264 60 66

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Doctoral researchers

MSc. Pezhman Salehi Hosseini

MSc. Pezhman Salehi Hosseini

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.023

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MSc. Tamir Enkh-Amgalan

MSc. Tamir Enkh-Amgalan

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.023

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MSc. Gertrude Scynthya Nirukshan

MSc. Gertrude Scynthya Nirukshan

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

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ir. Astrid Francoys

ir. Astrid Françoys 

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.018

+32 (0)9 264 60 57

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MSc. Patria Novita KusumawardaniMSc. Patria Novita Kusumawardani

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.023

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MSc. Yin Liu

MSc. Yin Liu

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.018

+32 (0)9 264 60 57

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ir. Els Heyrman

ir. Els Heyrman 

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.018

+32 (0)9 264 60 57

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ir. Marie Tuerlinckx.jpgir. Marie Tuerlinckx 

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.018

+32 (0)9 264 60 57

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ir. Robin Beckx

ir. Robin Beckx

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.017

+32 (0)9 264 60 66

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ir. Rens Accouir. Rens Accou

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.017

+32 (0)9 264 60 66

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    Administrative and technical staff

    TinaTina Coddens

    Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

    +32 (0)9 264 60 64

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    MathieuMathieu Schatteman 

    Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

    +32 (0) 9 264 60 64

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    SophieSophie Schepens

    Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

    +32 (0) 9 264 60 64

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    Former researchers

    MSc. Kanagaratnam Jegajeevagan

    dr. ir. Peter Maenhout 

    ir. Laura Agneessens

    dr. ir. Arne Verstraeten

    dr. Masuda Akter

    dr. Jones Yengwe

    ir. Lisa Mabilde

    ir. Sofie Pierreux 

    dr. ir. Stany Vandermoere

    dr. Mesfin Tsegaye 

    MSc. Okky Amalia

    dr. ir. Heleen Deroo

    dr. Hui Xu 

    dr. Haichao Li 

    ir. Jeroen De Waele

    MSc. Zenia Gonzalez Giro

    MSc. Hector Hernandez Arbolaez

    MSc. Oka Ardiana Banaty

    dr. Orly Mendoza

    dr. Zerihun Getachew Gebrehana

    dr. Ummehani Hassi

    Master thesis students 


    Carmen de León (International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change): Assessing microplastics degradation in soil

    Angelica Ramirez Moguel (International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change): Soil phosphorus (P) mining in agriculture – Impacts on P availability, crop yields and soil organic carbon stocks after 10 years of experimentation

    Malaika Andrade (International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change): Influence of Fungivorous Nematodes on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in soils

    Noa del Carme (Master of Science in Nutrition and Food Systems): Converting a conventional tea farm to organic production in Thyolo highlands, Malawi

    Jieqing Zhang (Master in Sustainable Land Management): Is there a dose effect on the efficiency of added organic matter (OM) conversion into stable soil OM? 


    Lies Vanthournout (Bioscience Engineering: Agricultural sciences): Identifying and analyzing microplastics in non-suspected soils

    Xu Zhang (International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change):  Effect of soil organic matter quality on the soil moisture – heterotrophic respiration relationship

    Diana Paola Trujillo Amaya (International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change): The Distribution of Pristine and Aged Microplastics in Soil Aggregate Fractions


    Veva Speeckaert (Bioscience Engineering: Environmental Technology): Are soil microplastics leaching and threatening our groundwater?

    Arne Verschueren (Bioscience Engineering: Land, water and climate): How do multi-trophic interactions between microbivorous and herbivorous micro- and mesofauna impact nutrient cycling and plant growth?

    Maitreya Maitreya (International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change): Extent of (micro)plastics pollution in non-suspected soils

    Meng Kong (International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change): Contribution of soil microfauna to N2O emissions from soil

    Tefera Dadi (International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change): Is groundwater depth a significant determinant of organic matter degradation in arable land during periods of drought?