dr. ir. Hui Xu


dr. Hui XuWith background of BSc. Biotechnology, MSc. Food Technology and MSc. Tropical Natural Resources Management, Hui joined SoFer in 2015 for her PhD project: Contribution of belowground biomass carbon to the stable soil organic matter pools. This was a UGent-ILVO cofounded project supervised by Prof. S. Sleutel and Dr. B. Vandecasteele (ILVO). After her graduation in 2019, she continued working at SoFer as postdoc researcher and focused on development of phosphorus filters for agricultural drainage water. Under supervision of Prof. S. De Neve, she is working on an EU-Interreg Project: Nutrients Removal and Recovery from Drainage Water (NuReDrain), and an UGent-IOF project: Upscaling and prototype development of phosphorus filters for agricultural drainage waters (ProPDrain). She created the music band ‘The Sound of Soil’ together with other colleagues from the department aiming to make soil ‘sexy’ again.


Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.016

+32 (0) 9 264 60 55

