Tamir graduated from the National University of Mongolia in 2009 and started to work at the Laboratory of Soil Biogeochemistry, Mongolian Academy of Sciences. He received his MSc. in Environmental Engineering at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 2013. After his MSc., he worked as an Officer of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment at the Ministry of Environment and Tourism until 2017. At the same time, he was also working as a part-time lecturer at the Department of Environment and Forest Engineering, National University of Mongolia, teaching natural resources management and rangeland ecology topics. After winning a 2-year scholarship from the Erasmus Mundus IMPAKT project in 2017, he continued doing research under supervision of Prof. Steven Sleutel and Prof. Stefaan De Neve. His project at Sofer focuses on effects of climate change and overgrazing on SOC dynamics across a broad range of forest-steppe to arid-steppe grassland ecosystems.
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, room B38.11.110.023