Action research and community engagement for development project

About the Project

Action Research and Community Engagement for Development Project is a component of a partner programme between MMU and Universities in Belgium essentially targeting capacity building and institutional strengthening in areas that are relevant to MMU as well as the community it serves. The first phase of the programme was launched in 2013 and the second phase in 2019 and is expected to run for 4 years. The programme aims at strengthening the academic capacity of MMU by developing the culture of integration of research with teaching and community engagement. It is intended for strengthening MMU’s ability to develop and deliver innovative solutions in dairy nutrition, dairy-water management, aquaculture-water management and soil fertility management so as to promote sustainable agriculture in the Rwenzori region. Concurrently, the project also aims at empowering farmers in the Rwenzori region to be able to successfully improve their farming practices linked to dairy nutrition, dairy as well as aquaculture water management and soil fertility management aspects for increased productivity and income. The soil research component aimed at optimizing agriculture for productivity and sustainability is being implemented by Joseph Okello, Pascal Boeckx, Hans Veerbeck, Marijn Bauters and John Kasenene.


