dr. ir. Marijn Bauters

AffiliationMarijn Bauters

Isotope Bioscience laboratory – ISOFYS

Department of green Chemistry and Technology
Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

Computational & Applied Vegetation Ecology CAVELAB

Department of environment
Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

Actual position: Postdoctoral researcher


His research focusses on the one hand on disentangling the biogeochemical nutrient cycles in tropical forests, to improve the understanding of the interaction of global change and these biomes. On the other hand, he has a great interest in the role of biodiversity in different ecosystem processes and hopes that improved knowledge on this topic leads to better conservation incentives.


Coupure links 653, 
9000 Gent, Belgium
Blok B, desk

Phone: +32 (0) 483 45 29 72
E-mail: marijn.bauters@ugent.be
