em. Prof. dr. ir. Oswald Van Cleemput

AffiliationOswald Van Cleemput

Isotope Bioscience laboratory – ISOFYS

Department of green Chemistry and Technology
Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

Actual position: Post-doctoral employee


Former teaching: Isotopes for Applied Biological Sciences, Scientific Communication, Project, Special Didactics.
Former Research: soil chemistry, soil fertility, soil organic matter, greenhouse gases and effect on climate change, applied isotopes, with over 550 papers.
Former administrative functions: Head of Department, Dean of the faculty, Member of the UGent Council.
Active in many developing countries with teaching and guidance of research.


Coupure links 653, 
9000 Gent, Belgium
Blok B, desk

Phone: +32 (0) 478 22 70 24



  • STOOPS, G., DE DAPPER, M. & VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (eds.) (1988).  The International Training Centre for Post-Graduate Soil Scientists. 25 years, 1963-1988.  Gent, Belgium, ITC, 120p.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (ed.) (1989).  Soils for development.  ITC-Ghent, Publication series no 1, International Training Centre for Post-Graduate Soil Scientists, State University of Ghent, Belgium, 107p.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (1990).  Guidelines for writing a thesis.  ITC-Ghent, Publication series no 2, International Training Centre for Post-Graduate Soil Scientists, State University of Ghent, Belgium, 41p.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (1992).  Raadgevingen bij het schrijven van het afstudeerwerk.  Faculteit van de Landbouwwetenschappen, RUG, Gent. 42p.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O. et al. (eds.) (1992).  Manual on measurement of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture.  IAEA-TECDOC-674.  International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 91p.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (ed.) (1994).  Proceedings ITC-Workshop "New waves in Soil Science, GadjahMadaUniversity, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.  ITC-Publication series nr. 5, 178p.
  • HOFMAN, G., VAN CLEEMPUT, O. & DEMEYER, P. (1995).  Ammoniakvervluchtiging uit kunstmeststof.  Landbouwkundige Uitgeverij G.C. van den Berg, Waddinxveen, Nederland, 27p.
  • DEMEYER, D. & VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (eds.) (1996).  Methane emissions through animals and from the ground.  Special Issue, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 42(1-2), 210p.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O., HOFMAN, G. & VERMOESEN, A. (eds.) (1996).  Progress in Nitrogen Cycling Studies.  Kluwer Academic Publishers, 715p, ISBN 0-7923-3962-2.
  • BOECKX, P., VAN CLEEMPUT, O. & DEWEER, A. (1997).  Nitrous oxide emission from agriculture in Belgium.  Department of Applied Analytical and Physical Chemistry.  Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences.  University of Ghent, 13p.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O., HANEKLAUS, S., HOFMAN, G., SCHNUG, E. & VERMOESEN, A. (eds.) (1998). Fertilization for Sustainable Plant Production and Soil Fertility. 3 volumes, Proceedings of the 11th International World Fertilizer Congress, Gent, Belgium, September 7-13, 1997. ISBN 3-933140-04-8.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (1999). Broeikasgassen en ozon: noodzakelijk, maar ook schadelijk. Wetenschappelijke nascholing, Universiteit Gent, 53p.
  • VLASSAK, K., AGENBAG, G.A. & VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (Eds.) (2000). Nitrogen dynamics in intensive and extensive agriculture. Acco, Leuven, 166p., ISBN 805-630-1-3.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O., VLASSAK, K., GOOSSENS, A. & DE WEVER, H. (Eds) (2000). Non-CO2 trace gas emissions from Belgian soils. Where research and policy meets. Academia Press Scientific Publishers, Gent, Belgium, 102p. ISBN 90 382 0288 1.
  • SALOMEZ, J., D’HAESE, K., BLEYAERT, P., HOFMAN, G., CALUS, A., VAN CLEEMPUT, O. & VAN MEIRVENNE, M. (2001). Optimalisatie van de stikstofhoushouding bij de grondgebonden serreteelt van kropsla. Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw, DG6-Betoelaagd Onderzoek, Brussel, 66p, ISBN90-806537-1-3.
  • KAVETSKIY, S., KRAYNYUK, M., HOFMAN, G., BOHME, M., VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (2003) Soil Quality and Fertilization. Tempus Tacis, NAUU, Kiev, Ukraine, 244p., ISBN 966-8006-20-8.
  • HOFMAN, G. & VAN CLEEMPUT, O. (2004). Soil and Plant Nitrogen. International Fertilizer Industry Association, Paris,  48p., ISBN 2 9506299 9 7.
  • VAN CLEEMPUT, O. & SASO, L. (2017). Manual on Scientific Communication for Postgraduate Students and Young Researchers in Technical, Natural and Life Sciences. DOI 10.5772/intechopen.68560