New arrivals

The library frequently updates their collection with new materials. For new e-books, go to this page. Below, you can find newly added print books.

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Integrated principles of zoology
Integrated principles of zoology
Veldgids dagvlinders
Veldgids dagvlinders
Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry
Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry
Chocolate Science and Technology
Chocolate Science and Technology
Denk. Zoek. Twijfel.
Denk. Zoek. Twijfel.
Detection methods for irradiated foods : current status
Detection methods for irradiated foods
Econometric analysis
Econometric analysis
Exploring chemistry with electronic structure methods
Exploring chemistry with electronic structure methods
Human impact on the natural environment : past, present and future
Human impact on the natural environment
Het gaat bijna altijd goed : drinkwaterincidenten
Het gaat bijna altijd goed
Genoeg voor iedereen : naar een economie die zorgt voor mens en planeet
Genoeg voor iedereen
Geocomputation with R
Geocomputation with R
Leerkracht in actie : word manager van je klas in je school
Leerkracht in actie
Natuurbeheer : praktijk en wetenschap hand in hand
Niet het einde van de wereld : waarom wij de eerste generatie zijn met perspectief op een duurzame planeet
Niet het einde van de wereld
Not the end of the world : how we can be the first generation to build a sustainable planet
Not the end of the world
Pests, diseases and disorders of peas and beans : a colour handbook
Pests, diseases and disorders of peas and beans
Plant pathology and plant pathogens
Plant pathology and plant pathogens
Plant physiology and development
Plant physiology and development
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
The wizard and the prophet : two groundbreaking scientists and their conflicting visions of the future of our planet
The wizard and the prophet
Microbial growth in drinking-water supplies : problems, causes, control and research needs
Microbial growth in drinking-water supplies
Van groei naar grens : ruimteneutraliteit en bouwshift als doelstellingen van duurzaam landgebruik
Van groei naar grens
Ontwikkelen van kruidenrijk grasland
Ontwikkelen van kruidenrijk grasland


ICC handbook of 21st century cereal science and technology
ICC handbook of 21st century cereal science and technology
The colloidal domain: where physics, chemistry, biology meet
The colloidal domain
Spatial point patterns: Methodology and Applications with R
Spatial point patterns
Hamburgers in het paradijs
Hamburgers in het paradijs
Ticks: Biology, Ecology, and Diseases
Perry's chemical engineers' handbook
Perry's chemical engineers' handbook
Island Biogeography: geo-environmental dynamics, ecology, evolution, human impact and conservation
Island Biogeography
Migration: the biology of life on the move
Confectionery fats handbook: properties, production and application
Confectionery fats handbook
Aquaculture : models and economics
Surfactants and interfacial phenomena
Surfactants and interfacial phenomena
The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography
The unified neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography
Agent-based and individual-based modeling : a practical introduction
Agent-based and individual-based modeling
Insect physiology and biochemistry
Insect physiology and biochemistry
Plant pathology and plant pathogens
Plant pathology and plant pathogens
Chocolate science and technology
Chocolate science and technology
Geocomputation with R
Agent-based and individual-based modeling
Sting in the tale: my adventures with bumblebees
Sting in the tale
Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology
Brock biology of microorganisms
Brock biology of microorganisms
Organic chemistry
Organic chemistry
The Holocene: an environmental history
The Holocene
Tree story
Tree story
Entomology and pest management
Entomology and pest management
Carbon Farming Solution : A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate Change Mitigation
Carbon farming solution
An introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values
An introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values
Understanding viscoelasticity: an introduction to rheology
Understanding viscoelasticity
Natuurkunde: deel 1 & 2
De onbekende zee: het belang van de oceaan voor mens en planeet
De onbekende zee
Stekken en meer: stekken, zaaien en vermeerderen van kamerplanten
Stekken en meer
Research between Science, Society and Politics: The History and Scientific Development of Green Chemistry
Research between Science, Society and Politics
Jullie rijkdommen voor onze beschaving: de onzin van de koloniale ruil
Jullie rijkdommen voor onze beschaving
12.000 jaar Bos 't Ename
12.000 jaar Bos 't Ename
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Global Forests
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Global Forests
Calculus: a complete course
De Belgische voedingsmiddelentabel
De Belgische voedingsmiddelentabel