Reduce cattle emissions
How can our lab help you reach the Green Deal goals?
Lanupro (The laboratory for Animal Nutrition and Animal Product Quality) cooperates with national and international research institutes to investigate ruminant methane mitigation through various nutritional approaches. Both in vitro (batch incubation technique, microbial community assessment) as well as in vivo trials are performed for this purpose. Research involves exploring early life programming techniques for long-term mitigation effects, or assessing the potential of using seaweed and algae as cattle feed with the purpose of reducing methane emission.
A notable example:
In September 2019, Dorien Van Wesemael finished her PhD Research on "Enteric methane mitigation in dairy cattle via feeding strategies and the impact on the carbon footprint". The aim of her research was to assess the potential of different feeding strategies to reduce the overall environmental impact of dairy production, by reducing enteric CH4 emissions and the carbon footprint of feed production in a Flemish context, without losing sight of performance parameters.
The acquired knowledge will be used for the establishment of the Covenant Cattle Enteric Emissions, following the Flemish climate policy plan 2021-2030.
About our lab
Research in Lanupro emphasizes on ruminant nutrition and microbial digestion in livestock to advance knowledge towards more resource sustainable animal nutrition.
Research activities span all scales from in vitro simulations of anaerobic fermentation processes, detailed analysis of metabolites, on-farm monitoring and optimization of nutrition to merging technical knowledge in a broader context of interdisciplinary challenges facing animal husbandry.