News Items

Winner of the 2022 Pieter Walstra Award

(07-04-2022) Ghent University researchers are awarded the 2022 Pieter Walstra Award.

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Milcobel endowed Chair on Dairy Research made the headlines

Dairy cooperative Milcobel and Ghent University launched a 'Chair on Dairy Research'.

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Preserving the ‘stretch’ of frozen mozzarella cheese

Where mozzarella started and where UGent researchers want it to go!

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Milcobel Chair on Dairy Research acquires Rheolaser Master

Protein behavior during technological processing is an important aspect in our research. This behavior can be monitored by the Rheolaser Master, which employs diffusing wave spectroscopy technology.

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Milcobel Chair on Dairy Research at Day of Science

The Chair on Dairy Research introduces part of their research in a short tour-guided movie.

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Dry heat treatment of skim milk powder greatly improves the heat stability of recombined evaporated milk emulsions

UGent researchers succeed in avoiding heat coagulation when sterilising concentrated milk.

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11th NIZO Dairy Conference

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Launch event

On February 3rd, 2020, we will officially launch the “Milcobel Chair on Dairy Research” at the conference center Het Pand, Onderbergen 1 in Ghent, Belgium.

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Installation of a new low-resolution H-NMR unit

A new low-resolution H-NMR unit is installed at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering.

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12th NIZO Dairy Conference

The Chair of Dairy Research presents two posters at the 12th NIZO Dairy Conference.

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Day of Science 28 November 2021

The Chair on Dairy Research asked several questions to the general public in last year’s edition of the Day of Science (hyperlink), and this year we are back to provide a more in-depth explanation to some of these questions!

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