Alternative control of Phytophthora cryptogea in the hydroponic cultivation of lettuce and chicory

Kilian Van Loocke (PhD researcher)

Kilian Van Loocke

Lettuce and chicory take up an important part of the vegetable cultivation in Flanders. In recent years, many farmers have shifted their cultivation system to hydroponics to prevent infection by soil-borne pathogens. However, the oomycete Phytophthora cryptogea has emerged in these hydroponically grown vegetables, causing root rot in the plants. As chemical protectants can potentially harm humans and the environment, my research focuses on using biological control organisms (BCOs) to manage P. cryptogea. Studies revealed that Bacillus spp. are highly effective against P. cryptogea, primarily due to their production of specialized metabolites. Future research will further explore the modes of action of Bacillus and other bacteria in greater detail. This research is conducted in collaboration with the Plant Health and Protection lab, supervised by professor Barbara De Coninck.