Funding opportunities
Ghent University
- Ghent University has several Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees who offer scholarships.
- Ghent University offers a limited number of PhD scholarships via the Special Research Fund.
- VLIR-UOS: VLIR-UOS supports partnerships between universities and university colleges, in Flanders and in the South, looking for innovative responses t global and local challenges. VLIR-UOS funds cooperation projects between professors, researchers and teachers.
- Master Grants: Ghent University provides a topping up grant including tuition fee waivers to the best 20 candidates from developing countries who wish to obtain a master's degree at Ghent University.
- Belgian Technical Cooperation Grants: The BTC's Scholarship Unit implements the scholarship files, welcomes the students and provides them with guidance for the duration of their academic training and stay in Belgium.
- Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO): Postdoctoral grants for non-EU researchers.
- Special Research Fund (BOF): PhD scholarships for candidates from developing countries.
- FWO: The FWO supports fundamental and strategic scientific research, stimulates international cooperation and promotes equal opportunity.
- Transition Fellowship Programme: The aim of this programme is to promote exchange of students between Belgium/Flanders and 4 countries in transition, i.e. Brazil, Morocco, South Africa and Turkey.
- Beurzen van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Mexico: Foreign citizens who are interested in studying for a specialization, master's degree or doctorate, conducting graduate or postdoctoral research, or taking part in an undergraduate or graduate level academic mobility program in Mexico.
- The Flemish government: the Master Mind Programme offers a limited number of grants for international Master degree students. Please note that it is Ghent University which selects the potential candidates for these grants, which is to be validated by the Flemish government.
- Priority Country Programme: this programme has been established with the aim of promoting exchanges of students between Belgium/Flanders and following prioritycountries: Brazil, Chile, Mexico
Ghent University encourages Joint PhD degrees but does not offer specific financial incentives for joint PhD’s. With permission of your Ghent university supervisor it is possible to do a joint PhD within the scope of any regular PhD scholarship/funding.
Are you a postdoc researcher or staff member interested in mobility towards Ghent University?
Overview of funding:
- The Belgian Federal Science Policy Office: postdoctoral fellowships to non-EU researchers
- The Research Foundation Flanders (FWO):
- Ghent University Special Research Fund (BOF): BOF postdoctoral fellowships Candidates for a BOF-postdoctoral fellowship are automatically recruited from the pool of applicants for an FWO Postdoctoral Fellowships.
- The Ghent University faculty Mobility Fund
- There can be possibilities via our bilateral agreements, if teaching is included (staff)
Erasmus+: The programme gives opportunities to students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend a period abroad to increase their skills and employability.
Horizon2020: The biggest EU research and innovation programme and aims at breaking down barriers to create a genuine single market for knowledge, research and innovation.
EuropeAid: The Commission's Directorate-General for international Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) is responsible for designing European international cooperation and development policy and delivering aid throughout the world.
Latin America
Organización de los Estados Americos, OEA
SGroup - Icon programme
Costa Rica
Beca Presidente de la República