Lisa Maria Franke

Lisa Franke is research assistant professor in Islamic Studies at UGent. Her research and teaching focus on the social and intellectual history of Islam and being Muslim in the modern Middle East. Before joining UGent in 2023, she was assistant professor at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Göttingen University on individual religiosities and non-conformist perspectives in Alexandria as part of the ERC Advanced Grant "Private Pieties". She received her PhD in Arabic Studies in 2011 from Leipzig University. In this project, she conducted research on martyrdom, gender constructions and social discourses in Palestine. Subsequently, at the University of Cologne, she studied colloquial poetry and the religious, social and political content negotiated therein in the course of the Egyptian revolution of 2011, as well as meaningful symbolism in modern interpretations of the afterlife. In 2022, she held the professorship for Islamic Studies (Arabic) at Heidelberg University.

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