Classroom Justice in ethnic diverse classrooms: The perspective of ethnic cultural minorities across generations
Description: The perception of being treated fairly in the classroom and at school is important for pupils. Previous research shows that these perceptions are associated with positive school outcomes such as motivation, enjoyment and interest in learning. In contrast, the perception of being treated unfairly at school is associated with higher levels of aggression, hostility and resistance to teachers. This research project studies classroom justice perceptions for the first time in an ethnically diverse context with attention for the perspective of ethnic cultural minorities. Using qualitative methodologies, we study classroom justice among different age groups (parents, adolescents and elementary school children) across generations. To develop a better understanding about this phenomenon, we also study how parental socialization, societal changes across generations and child development help shape these perceptions.
Promoter(s): Bart Van de Putte , Alain Van Hiel
Researcher(s): Fien Geenen
Faculty / Faculties: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences , Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Period of time: 2020 - 2024