Evaluation of the multilingual website fedasilinfo.be and strengthening digital competences of applicants for Internationa Protection
Description: This two-year research project (1/2021 – 12/2022) is situated in the domain of multilingual and intercultural (digital) communication. The project aims to evaluate the multilingual Fedasil website (https://www.fedasilinfo.be) through a qualitative-quantitative analysis. Three data-sets were collected and analysed: (a) in-depth interviews and/or focus discussions (N=63) with applicants for international protection; (b) screen recordings of user experiences (N=26) while consulting the fedasilinfo.be website; (c) a survey conducted among staff working in the reception sector (N=174). Guided by the conclusions of this research, the follow-up research project 2022 aims to improve the basic digital competences of applicants for international protection by (1) identifyng the target audience, needs, and possible training opportunities (survey research) and (2) developing training initiatives and supporting tools.
Website research project: https://research.flw.ugent.be/en/projects/evaluation-fedasilinfobe
Promoter(s): July De Wilde , Katrijn Maryns , Ellen Van Praet
Researcher(s): Simon Hendrickx , Sari Goukens
Faculty / Faculties: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Period of time: 2021 - 2022