Refugee for sale? A multi-methodological research project on international refugee organizations’ public communication strategies towards the Syrian and Central African displacement crises (2011-2018)
Description: While the world is currently facing one of modern times’ worst refugee crises, many countries are implementing restrictive refugee policies. Hence, public communication has become essential for refugee organizations' operations. As (international) refugee organizations significantly contribute to the public perception on refugees, this project critically investigates their public communication strategies towards the recent Syrian and Central African crises. We pay particular attention to (1) the production process by means of interviews with refugee organizations, (2) the practices of representing refugees, and (3) the reception of this communication by citizens, refugees and journalists. Apart from its topical nature and relevance for a better understanding of the political, economic and cultural dimensions involved in these organizations' public communication, this project provides a significant empirical contribution to key debates in the field of international communication.
Promoter(s): Stijn Joye
Researcher(s): David Ongenaert
Faculty / Faculties: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences
Period of time: 2017 - 2022