The impact of terrorism on migration intentions and patterns
Description: In this project, we will analyse the influence of terrorist attacks on worldwide migration. First, we empirically investigate the extent to which terrorist attacks act as a push factor for emigration and as a deterring factor for immigration by reducing potential destination countries' attractiveness. To do so, we will make use of cross-country data since 1980 which allows to identify also heterogeneous effects across different types of countries (e.g. depending on countries' development level). Second, we combine individual-level survey data on migration intentions (internal and international) with regional information on terrorist attacks which garantuees a more accurate identification of the connection between migration behavior and individual exposure to terrorism and the mechanisms at play (e.g. income or psychological). We will also explore to what extent the results vary with individual or household characteristics.
Promoter(s): Ilse Ruyssen
Researcher(s): Killian Foubert
Department / Research group: Department of Economics
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration