UN-MENAMAIS: towards a better understanding of the mechanisms, nature, magnitude and impact of sexual violence in Belgium
Description: "Sexual violence is a major public health, judicial and societal concern in Belgium. UN-MENAMAIS aims to: Objective 1) Map how citizens and migrant residents - including applicants of international protection- in Belgium, aged 16 -100 years, with different sexual orientations, frame sexual violence. Objective 2) Explore to what extent the research population has been subjected to sexual violence or has perpetrated sexual violence since childhood. Objective 3) Map indicatory pathways of how this exposure impacted the lives of victims, their family and peers and professionals they contacted for assistance. Objective 4) Evaluate the forensic sexual assault practices performed by professionals. Objective 5) Formulate recommendations for future policies and practices and provide sensitization scripts. UN-MENAMAIS applies a mixed method approach and runs until April 2021. It is funded by BELSPO (BRAIN). "
Promoter(s): Ines Keygnaert, Tom Vanderbeken
Researcher(s): Lotte De Schrijver
Department / Research group: Public Health and Primary Care
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences