Victimisation in a context of migration and human smuggling
Description: Refugees often get labelled as victims and vulnerability is the main concept of this label. In a context of human smuggling or trafficking, this vulnerability can easily be exploited. The risks of this exploitation for the refugee often lead to a passive victim-label in which he is completely deprived of his own agency. This research will look at the victimisation of refugees through the lens of a critical victimological framework. First of all, the instrumentalisation of this label will be examined in the context of European migration policy. This victim-label may serve the purpose of protecting the European identity and safety rather than the claimed purpose of protecting human rights and international compassion. Furthermore, this imposed victim-label will also be compared to the experiences and victim identity of the refugee. The research aims to describe how these refugees cope with their experiences and how it influences their own perception of victimisation.
Promoter(s): Tom Vander Beken, Ilse Derluyn
Researcher(s): Gwen Herkes
Department / Research group: Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law
Faculty: Faculty of Law and Criminology