StrainInSight: private strain collection, tools and services for novel strain discovery


We proudly present StrainInSight, a comprehensive bacterial strain discovery platform which gives access to ~45,000 bacterial strains from the LM-UGent Private Strain Collection.

At StrainInSight, we understand the demands for innovative, biobased and sustainable solutions for industrial applications. As microbiologists, we believe bacteria are key enabling technologies that can help meet those needs. That is why we are committed to let you discover the immense potential of our private LM-UGent strain collection. To facilitate your search for novel strains and functionalities, we developed two innovative tools. Using our interactive dashboard, you can browse through our collection and learn more about the identification, isolation source and geographical origin of each bacterial strain. Our user-friendly genome database enables you to dig into the annotated genomes and search for strains with genes that encode specific enzymes or metabolites. Our team of PhD level experts is always available for advice to help you find the right strain.

Discover how StrainInSight can advance your research by visiting our website ( or contact us via