Prof. dr. F. Pasmans

Frank Pasmans is a veterinarian and PhD from Ghent University, Belgium. He is a professor in veterinary bacteriology and mycology and in reptile and amphibian diseases and is director of the Laboratory of Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University. Besides, he is diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine (Herpetology) and responsible for reptile and amphibian medicine at the Division of Poultry, Exotic Pet and Laboratory Animals of the same faculty.

Main Research

Interactions of bacteria and fungi with animals & reptile and amphibian diseases

Frank Pasmans’ research focuses on the study of the interaction between the animal host and bacteria or fungi. He is head of two research groups. A first group studies Salmonella infections in pigs, reptiles and pigeons, focusing on mechanisms of pathogen persistence and excretion. Basic knowledge obtained is used to design or improve control measures such as vaccination and feed additives. A second group focuses on amphibian and reptile diseases, with chytridiomycosis driven amphibian declines being the main topic. This research focuses on understanding fundamental processes of host-pathogen interactions using in vitro and in vivo modeling. Finally, he is involved in projects concerning non Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter infections, Campylobacter infections in poultry, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Brachyspira infections in pigs and Aspergillus fumigatus infections in birds.


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