
Datum Titel Volledige naam
2024-09-17 10:00:00+00:18 Fostering mental health and resilience by training and mobilizing need crafting skills: An intervention and diary-based approach van den Bogaard, Daphne
2024-09-11 10:00:00+00:18 Advancing early detection of autism spectrum disorder: neurophysiological and behavioral perspectives Van Lierde, Thijs
2024-09-09 14:00:00+00:18 Social services within and across contested borders: insights from Transnistria, Abkhazia and Samegrelo Le Pavic, Gaëlle
2024-09-09 14:00:00+00:18 Beyond the Letter: (Self-)Presentation of Basil of Caesarea in his Letters, Letter Collection, and Manuscripts Zoeter, Matthijs
2024-08-23 15:00:00+00:18 Biting into the Belgian Neolithic: Insights from Isotopic Analysis and Dental Anthropology van Hattum, Ijk
2024-08-22 14:30:00 To Sum it Up: A Multiproxy Study on Regional Population Dynamics and Human Activity in the Western Scheldt Basin (Belgium & N-France) from the Mesolithic to the Medieval Period Van Maldegem, Elliot
2024-08-21 16:00:00+00:18 Prevention of depression through computerized cognitive control training: Novel steps towards clinical implementation Ringoir, Yannick
2024-08-21 10:00:00+00:18 Play development and social-communicative abilities in young children at elevated likelihood for autism Moerman, Floor
2024-08-20 15:00:00+00:18 Navigating the Transition to Higher Education: The Role of Identity and Support for the Basic Psychological Needs in First-Year Students’ Academic Motivation Vermote, Branko
2024-07-10 16:00:00+00:18 Nonconvergence in small sample structural equation modeling De Jonckere, Julie
2024-07-08 17:00:00+00:18 Navigating toward teacher effectiveness: exploring internal and external forces related to teacher efficacy Van Eycken, Lennart
2024-07-05 16:00:00+00:18 Hilbertian Statistical Models in Music Neuroscience Vidal Badia, Marc
2024-07-03 16:00:00+00:18 Monitoring kinematic parameters in music education and performance: premises for real-time feedback Campo, Adriaan
2024-07-01 15:00:00 The Many Faces of Meteorology: Toward a Science of the Weather in the French Enlightenment Delrue, Valentine