Epidemiology unit


 The expertise of the veterinary epidemiology unit of the faculty of veterinary medicine lies in the triangle of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), antimicrobial usage (AMU) and biosecurity.


One health approach


AMR fits perfectly in the field of research of veterinary epidemiology. Not only does AMR have very complex routes of transmission, it is also a one-health issue as it impacts both veterinary and human medicine. AMU and biosecurity are strongly associated with AMR, with AMU being the main driver of AMR and biosecurity being a tool to reduce AMU. However, many questions situated within this triangle remain unanswered and are therefore the main focus of some of our  research projects that are described below.

 Also interested in a project?

When you are in interested in a collaboration or you would like to make use of our expertise, please contact Prof. dr. Jeroen Dewulf.


Title Description Publication date
NETPOULSAFE The NETPOULSAFE project focuses on supporting measures to efficiently foster the compliance of biosecurity measures 01-10-2020 11:37
CAMPREVENT How Campylobacter is introduced into the farm, what the possible contamination sources and transmission routes are. 01-09-2020 11:37
DISARM Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management 31-01-2019 12:37
BPG-AB Produce better without the use of antibiotics 01-01-2018 12:37
I-4-1-Health Interreg project i-4-1-Health, work package 5 01-01-2017 12:37
BOBIOSEC tudying the biosecurity level of cattle farms, taking into account the different production systems, in order to propose guidelines for improvements to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases. 01-01-2015 12:37
Pupwelfare research within the PupWelfare project focuses on welfare, behaviour and health of puppies sold in Belgium 01-01-2014 12:37
Dysbird ongoing research examines the pathogenesis, diagnosis and prevention of nonspecific intestinal health problems in broilers 01-01-2014 12:37
EFFORT Ecology from Farm to Fork Of microbial drug Resistance and Transmission 01-01-2014 12:37