Equine dermatology
The department of Large Animal Dermatophilus congolensis in a horseAlopecia in a horseredness skin horseInternal Medicine works together with an American and European boarded specialist in Dermatology Dr. S. Vandenabeele (Dip. ESVD European College of Veterinary Dermatology). If your horse is suffering from one of the following symptoms than a thourough exam by a specialist is recommended:
- pruritus
- abnormalities in the skin
- subcutaneous bumps, nodules (hard, soft, acute, chronic lesions)
- hair loss
- loss of pigmentation
- painful lesions
- redness
- wounds
- pastern dermatitis
- tumours
- chronic skin problems
Microscopic evaluation of skin scrapings, aspirates for bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections is performed in house. A specialised process must be performed on skin biopsies before evaluation is possible. If there is a suspicion of an allergic reaction, an intradermal allergy test will be performed.