Astronomy Seminar Series 2024-2025

Target audience

Anyone interested in astronomy can attend, however our focus remain on students and early career sciences in the Astronomy division.

Organizing Committee 

Dr. Nina S. Sartorio (Department: Physics and Astronomy)

Prof. Ilse De Looze (Department: Physics and Astronomy)

Stefan van der Giessen (Department: Physics and Astronomy)


The aim of the seminar series is to provide for both Masters and Doctoral students the opportunity to get familiarized with research topics they wouldn’t normally get exposed to as a part of their post-graduate studies by inviting experts in a number of areas of Astrophysics from Exoplanet research to Cosmology.


The seminar series aims to provide a broad overview of Astrophysics, exposing students to various astronomy fields and fostering research synergies. It also facilitates interactions among individuals at different career stages, highlighting
diverse professional paths in Astronomy. 

Dates and venue

4 October 2024- 11 May 2025

Campus Sterre, S9


To receive the announcements of each seminar, please send an e-mail to Nina Sanches Sartorio to be included in the mailing list.

Registration fee

Free of charge for Doctoral School members.

Number of participants

Maximum 30



Evaluation method

100% attendance and active participation

After successful participation, the Doctoral School will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this can take up to one to two months after completion of the course.