Basic MRI Physics

Target audience

Future user of the MRI scanner at the GIfMI facility, either as a PhD or postdoc but also as a PI or master student with interest in MRI. We also invite people from the Radiology Department (radiologists, ASO, radiographers).

Organizing and scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Ir. Pim Pullens (UGent visiting professor/UZ Gent MRI physicist & biomedical engineer)

MSc. Ing. Pieter Vandemaele (UGent ATP – MRI engineer)

Msc. Stephanie Bogaert (UZ Gent – MRI research assistant)


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used to produce high quality images of the body. Knowledge of the underpinning fundamentals of MRI is essential for every user – irrespective of previous practical experience. This course will prepare current and future PhD students for the correct use of the MRI scanner available at GifMI (Ghent Institute for Functional and Metabolic Imaging), a UGent research collaboration (SVO).


This course is aimed at those who would like to understand:

  • the equipment used in MRI (magnetic fields, shielding, shimming, coils, helium)
  • the fundamental principles of MRI (alignment, signal generation, alignment, …)
  • image contrast (T1, T2, image weighting characteristics, …)
  • basic sequences (spin echo, gradient echo)
  • image optimization (SNR, CNR, spatial resolution, scan time, …)
  • image production (data sampling, slice selection, frequency and phase encoding, …)
  • k-space and data acquisition

No previous knowledge of MR physics is assumed though we will provide a preparatory list with literature and concepts ahead of the course that may be helpful for understanding the course more complex content.

Dates and venue

11 and 12 September 2024

Ghent University Hospital – Entrance 48 - Auditorium C


MRI in practice II: Setting the scene

  • What is MRI?
  • What is possible with MRI?
  • Practical process of obtaining an image (MR tech in practice)
  • Hardware

Basic MR physics I: Localizing the signal

  • Electromagnetic fields: basics
  • Digital signals and sampling
  • Fourier
  • K-space
  • Spatial encoding
  • Overview: from signal to image

Basic MR physics II: Generating contrast

  • Sending and receiving energy: proton excitation, resonance and relaxation
  • Pulse sequences, parameters and image weighting: spin echo (TR, TE), and gradient echo (flip angle)

MRI in practice II: Putting it all together

  • Contrast generation and influence on the signal
  • Parameter interaction and resulting image
  • SNR and artefacts (basics)

MRI in practice III: I have my images…then what?

  • Dicom
  • Nifti


Registration fee

Free of charge for Doctoral School members.

Number of participants

Maximum 60



Evaluation method

100% attendance

After successful participation, the Doctoral School Office will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this can take up to one to two months after completion of the course.

GIfMI will award a certificate to successful candidates who attended a 100%, that gives the permission to scan at the GIfMI facility after an individually tailored practical training on site by the GIfMI research assistant.