Handling your fear of failure


Leadership & Personal Efficiency

Target group

Members of the Doctoral School


Fear of failure is a common, but challenging phenomenon during the PhD process. It can cause severe stress, negatively influence your wellbeing and limit the chances to successfully complete your PhD . This session is specifically designed to help PhD candidates in finding ways to cope with their own fear of failure. Firstly, we take a closer look at the expression and origins of fear of failure, with the aim to increase the awareness of your own fear of failure. Next, we give tips and advice on how enhance acceptance of your fear of failure and on how to cope with it.  Finally, we give the opportunity to bring in a specific case regarding fear of failure, with the goal to give each other tips & tricks on how to take action.


Fear of failure can signify a major obstacle to successfully finishing one’s PhD and negatively influence PhD candidates’ wellbeing. By enhancing awareness of one’s own fear of failure and learning coping skills to deal with this problem, we aim to make PhD-candidates more resilient towards coping with this problem. The course is specifically designed for PhD candidates and reaches tools to tackle this issue by themselves. The course might also lower the threshold for seeking effective professional help if needed.


Nona Beele is a confidential counsellor at Trustpunt, within the department of Psychosocial Wellbeing of Ghent University. She obtained a Master degree in Clinical Psychology and Organisational Psychology.

Contact details: nona.beele@ugent.be

Time schedule

Course code Dates Time Venue
HFF-2425-01 3 and 10 October 2024


Leslokaal 0.2 (Campus Ledeganck)

HFF-2425-02 14 and 21 November 2024


Leslokaal 1.2 (Campus Ledeganck)


Registration fee

Free of charge for members of the Doctoral School. The no show policy applies.


Follow this link to subscribe to the registration or waiting list.

Your registration will be confirmed by separate e-mail from the Doctoral School. Cancellation of your registration can only be performed by sending an email to doctoralschools@ugent.be.

Number of participants

Maximum 8



Evaluation criteria (doctoral training programme)

100% attendance, active participation

After successful participation, the Doctoral School will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this takes up to one to two months after completion of the course.