Grow your personal brand


Leadership & Efficiency

Target group

Members of the Doctoral School


Robin Lefebvre, Grow2Excel


You are the most valuable tool you have available to you, but who knows what you have accomplished so far and what you are able to achieve in the future? Albert Einstein  became famous, not just because he was brilliant, but because he actively invested in self-marketing to enable his theories to be known to a broad audience. So how do you build your personal brand, and how can you leverage the digital tools available to us, to start building your brand online. The literature is clear, LinkedIn and social media are abundantly used by recruiters. But these tools cannot only help job seekers, they can boost your academic career as well, via growing visibility and building a strong network.
In this training we will work on your personal brand, bases on a number of assessment tools and with the help of feedback from friends, colleagues and family. Next we will explore all the modern tools available to you for building your online image, for any form of branding. We will go in-depth on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, by learning how the candidate profile search algorithm of LinkedIn works, and how you can optimize your profile accordingly. Last we will explore several strategies to start growing your network online.


  1. Understand branding and start building your personal brand.
  2. How do you define your digital brand identity, and start building your brand equity.
  3. How to leverage LinkedIn and other social media to grow your network?
  4. How can you get on the radar screen of your future employer?

Training pre-work

Before the training the participant will be asked to share their learning objectives for the training and complete an online strengths finder assessment.

  • Learning objectives, which will be confirmed during the start of the training, will be checked at each relevant chapter of the training, to ensure they have been answered.
  • Brand building pre-work self-assessment: what are your strengths and values?
  • Brand building pre-work personal brand input from friends, colleagues, family, ...; what are their strengths and values?

Time schedule

Course code




GPB-2425-01 4 October 2024 09:00-17:00 Leslokaal 1.5 (Campus Ledeganck)


Registration fee

Free of charge for Doctoral School members. The no show policy applies.


Follow this link to subscribe to the registration or waiting list.

Your registration will be confirmed by separate e-mail from the Doctoral School. Cancellation of your registration can only be performed by sending an email to

Teaching and learning material

PDF, rapport from self-analysis, training booklet, Training Action Plan, Consumer Based Brand Equity Pyramid template, discussion forms and video material, training summary.

Number of participants

Maximum 16



Evaluation methods and criteria (doctoral training programme)

Non-periodic continuous assessment; 100% participation

After successful participation, the Doctoral School will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this takes up to one to two months after completion of the course.