8th From PhD to Job Market: 'The Road Not Taken'

Career management event organized by UGent, VUB, UA, UHasselt and KU Leuven


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
(Robert Frost)

From PhD to Job Market is a 1-day inter-university conference aiming to boast and boost employment opportunities for PhD’s. This 8th edition features engaging speakers across a wide range of professional occupations who share their personal insights into life beyond a PhD in the humanities and social sciences.

Afternoon workshops will cover - amongst other things - PhD & the job hunt, personal branding, pitching, entrepreneurial routes, and career opportunities in the public sector.

Places are limited! Do not miss your chance to register for this cutting edge doctoral conference!


Career Management

Target group

PhD students in Arts, Humanities & Law, and Social & Behavioural Sciences from all Flemish universities (Ghent University, VUB, UAntwerp, KU Leuven and UHasselt)


Plenary lectures, PechaKucha and workshops


Thursday, 17 September 2015


Virginie Lovelinggebouw, Koningin Maria Hendrikaplein 70, 9000 Gent (next to Sint-Pietersstation)


8:00-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:10 Official opening and short address by Mr Jan Briers, governor of the province of East Flanders
9:10-9:25 Words of welcome by Prof Dr Marysa Demoor, director Doctoral School of Arts, Humanities and Law (UGent)
9:25-11:00 Keynote lectures
  • Dr Fiona Denney, director Brunel Educational Excellence Centre, Brunel University – '“Why did you do that?” – A discussion of the skills developed in an arts / humanities / social science PhD and how they relate to the demands of non-academic jobs'
  • Dr Ir Peter Bertels, Flanders DC – 'Changing the world through innovation'
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:30 PechaKucha presentations moderated by Dr Dieter De Bruyn, UGent Doctoral Schools
  • Dr Bart Ooghe - presentation
  • Dr Leen De Bruyn - presentation
  • Dr Alexandra Bourguignon - presentation
  • Dr Jo Heirman - presentation
12:30-13:15 Lunch and networking
13:30-16:30 Workshops
  • 'Dos and don'ts in CV and cover letter writing' (UCT, UGent (external link))
  • 'Pitching: When being right isn’t enough' (Bram Doolaege, Streetwize)
  • 'Personal Branding' (Resolved)
  • 'PhD's and the job hunt' (Lindsay Hofman & Joke Bosch, VDAB)
  • 'Career Opportunities in the Public Sector at National and EU level' (Lieven Tack)
  • 'Creative thinking: where good ideas come from' (Flanders DC)
16:30 Closure




Number of participants



Contact your local Doctoral School coordinator

Evaluation criteria (doctoral training programme)

Full participation (plenary session in the morning, workshop in the afternoon)

Some workshops involve assignments

Registration procedure

Preregistrations will be checked by your Doctoral School. You will be notified on the decision within two weeks. Only full-day participation will be accepted.

Preregister NOW: https://webapps.ugent.be/eventManager/events/eighthfromphdtojobmarket.

Registration for guests (only morning session and lunch): https://webapps.ugent.be/eventManager/events/eighthphdtojobinvited

Registration fee

Free of charge. Please note that a fee of €50 will be charged for registered PhD candidates who fail to attend the conference (deadline for cancellations: Monday 14 September, 9 am).