Elisa Van Kenhove

Scientific Staff
Contact details and research profile


Elisa Van Kenhove (°1991) obtained her degree 'Master of Science in Engineering: Architecture (Architectural Design and Construction Techniques)' (UGent, 2014, magna cum laude) with a master thesis on the optimisation of a GEOTABS office building.

Since 2014 she has been a researcher at the Building Physics research group of Ghent University, with her main topics being technical installations in buildings, energy use in homes and renovation of protected heritage. She also carries out teaching tasks.

In 2014 (start January 1, 2015), Elisa received a personal PhD grant from the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT/VLAIO) on the topic 'Thermohydraulic and Biologic Modeling of Legionella Pneumophila Proliferation in Domestic Hot Water Systems'. The aim of this PhD was to develop a simulation model that allows to investigate the infection risk by Legionella pneumophila in the design phase of domestic hot water systems and to test the effectiveness of disinfection techniques on an infected system. This model served as a basis for evaluating commonly used sanitary hot water installations and their energy-efficient alternatives in order to arrive at new 'best practice' guidelines. In 2018, Elisa obtained her PhD in Civil Engineering: Architecture.

In November 2018 she started a valorisation trajectory with the LoWatter-team (valorisation grant IOF, UGent) by translating her PhD research results into practice to prepare for the creation of a spin-off company. The spin-off will focus on bringing a smart domestic hot water controller on the market and case specific energy savings and disinfection consultancy.

In 2020, Elisa received a personal spin-off mandate from the Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) in preparation for setting up a spin-off company.

Research Projects Elisa Van Kenhove