Laurence Heindryckx

PhD scholarship recipient
Contact details and research profile


Laurence Heindryckx (°1992) is an assistant at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, where she takes on various teaching assignments within the Engineering: Architecture program and the Master of Science in Urbanism and Spatial Planning.

Laurence graduated as engineer-architect in 2016 at Ghent University. Her Master’s dissertation won the prize of ‘Best Master dissertation in Architectural Sciences of 2016’ at Ghent University, and explores the evolution of the road network in the Belgian Congo during the interbellum. She participated various research projects at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism and worked as an urban designer at Labo S (Research Laboratory for Urbanism, Ghent University). In 2018, she participated as an academic researcher on the ADEB project ‘Collaborations and exchanges in building in Belgium (1870-2015)’ at the BATir department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, researching the complementary and overlapping professional roles awarded to or taken up by architects and building engineers during the interwar period in Belgium.

Her research centres on twentieth century housing development in the metropolitan nexus in the context of a doctoral project at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Ghent University. Focussing on the production of housing developers Francois Amelinckx (Amelinckx N.V.) and Jean-Florian Collin (Etrimo), the project seeks to substantiate and test the hypothesis that the metropolitan ambitions of these real estate pioneers have been restricted in the post-war period and that this had lasting consequences for the way in which urban project development developed in Belgium.

Research Projects Laurence Heindryckx