
OpenHeritage (full title: Organizing, Promoting and Enabling Heritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment) is a H2020 funded project (2018-2022). It focusses on abandoned or underused cultural heritage, and on the potential redevelopment of this heritage for creating community cohesion, social integration, innovative bottom-up economic activities, and employment. The project examines possible tools, governance, economic and business models to stimulate the adaptive re-use of heritage in relation to local communities and participatory governance. The OpenHeritage consortium consists of a transdisciplinary team of scientists, practitioners and agents from sixteen European countries, led by the Hungarian MRI (Metropolitan Research Institute) in Budapest. The project maps and studies sixteen innovative experiments of adaptive re-use acroos Europe on their community and stakeholder integration, resource integration, and financial management. Additionally, adaptive re-use laboratories will be set up by the consortium members in six European countries, to experiment with the innovative solutions found.

AMRP will specifically contribute to OpenHeritage by the creation of a toolbox to support the inclusive adaptive re-use of heritage assets; the evaluation of community involvement & multi-stakeholder governance in several practices of community involvement across Europe; the development of community and multi-stakeholder partnerships in several cases in Europe; and the development of guidelines for public-private-people partnerships.

The final Policy Conference “Bottom-up driven adaptive heritage reuse: policies and practices” (17-18 May 2022,) was held in Ghent, Belgium.  You can find the recordings of the conference on the openheritage website.

Contact person within AMRP: Hanne Van Gils and Karim van Knippenberg
Period: 4 years
