Home UGent
Department of ElectroMechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering
Transport technology
Permanent staff
PhD students & scientific staff
- Ahmed Melo Espinosa - Emulsions of animal fats and vegetable oils for their use as diesel engine fuel (Bibliography)
- Jeroen Dierickx - Use of methanol in compression ignition engines through the dual fuel combustion process (More information)
- Haohan Li - Dual-fuel engine combustion
- Ward Suijs
- Tom Robeyn
- Yi-Hao Pu
Master thesis students 2021-2022
- Gilles Baekelandt
- Berten De Cock
- Stan Devos
- Jonathan Demeersseman
- Wouter Duvilliers
- Edward Samoy
- Jonas Van Biesen
- Arnaud Verhelst
- Jordy Vervaele
- Zeno Zobel
Supporting staff
- Koen Chielens
- Thomas Blancke
- Frederik Martens
- Bart Van Daele
Former scientific staff
- Thomas De Cuyper - In-cylinder heat transfer (Bibliography)
- Jakob Coulier - Use of methanol in compression ignition engines through the dual fuel combustion process (More information)
- Jonas Galle - Alternative fuels for compression ignition engines (Bibliography)
- Jeroen Vancoillie - Alternative fuels for spark ignition engines : alcohols (Bibliography)
- Joachim Demuynck - In-cylinder heat transfer measurement and modeling (Bibliography)