Finalized PhD's BioMMedA
Academic year 2024-2025
- Investigating Protein Flexibility Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations of α-1 Acid Glycoprotein and Large-Scale Normal Mode Analysis of AlphaFold Models (Bhawna Dixit)
- Advanced Molecular Dynamics Simulation Techniques for Kinetic Analysis of Biological Systems (Wouter Vervust)
Academic year 2023-2024
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Models for Patient-Specific Planning of Liver Transarterial Radioembolization (Tim Bomberna)
- Computational Biomechanics Modeling of the Cerebrospinal Fluid: Model Development and Application to Chiari Type 1 Malformation (Sarah Vandenbulcke)
- Investigating the Effect of Curvature and Composition on Lipid Membrane Permeability Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations (Samaneh Davoudi)
- Characterization of Biophysical Stromal Properties in Human Cancer: Towards Personalized Computational Oncology (Hooman Salavati)
- On the Uncertainty of Biomechanical Modeling of the Aortic Wall in Type B Dissections (Lise Gheysen)
- Peri-operative Digital Planning in Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy: Bridging the Gap between A.I., A.R. and Surgical Data Science (Pieter De Backer)
Academic year 2021-2022
- Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC): combination of computational simulations and in vitro experiments (Mohammad Rahimi Gorji)
Academic year 2020-2021
- Impact of Ageing on Arterial Physiology and Hemodynamics: Insights from 1D Modelling and In Vivo Data (Daimé Campos Arias)
- Patient Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics Models of the Human Left Heart Using the Chimera Technique (Federico Canè)
- A combined experimental and computational study on the feasibility of carotid stenosis detection by means of Laser Doppler vibrometry (Viviana Mancini)
Academic year 2019-2020
- Non-Invasive Assessment of Intraventricular and Arterial Haemodynamics: Tools to Guide Diagnosis and Therapy in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (Francisco Javier Londoño Hoyos)
- Modeling of Drug Delivery and Transport during Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (Margo Steuperaert)
Academic year 2018-2019
- Multimodality Analyses of 3D Flow in a Phantom Model of the Left Ventricle (Hicham Saaid)
- Virtual design of modular 3D Printed Ankle Foot Orthoses (Alessio Ielapi)
- Bridging the Spatiotemporal Scales in Biomechanical Models for Living Tissues: from the Contracting Esophagus to Cardiac Growth (Mathias Peirlinck)
- Patient-Specific Numerical Modeling in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: Towards a More Effective Treatment (Giorgia Rocatello)
Academic year 2017-2018
- A Biomechanical Analysis of Shear Wave Elastography in Pediatric Heart Models (Annette Caenen)
- Modelling the Degenerative Adaptation of the Liver Vasculature and Perfusion in Cirrhosis (Geert Peeters)
Academic year 2016-2017
- A Total Hip Replacement Toolbox: From CT-Scan to Patient-Specific FE Analysis (Diogo Moreira Campos Ferreira de Almeida)
- Model-based optimization of radial flow packed-bed bioreactors for tissue engineering (Danilo Donato)
- Integrating Valve Leaflet Motion into Patient-Specific Numerical Blood Flow Simulations of the Human Heart: Strategies and Challenges (Alessandra Bavo)
Academic year 2015-2016
- In-Vitro Modelling of the Left Heart (Benjamin Van Der Smissen)
- Secondary mitral valve regurgitation: hemodynamic and numerical insights towards a patient-tailored approach (Philippe Bertrand)
- Wall Shear Stress Metrics and Their Relation to Atherosclerosis: an Experimental and Computational Study in Mice (David De Wilde)
- Finite Element Modelling of Biodegradable Stents (Nic Debusschere)
Academic year 2014-2015
- Numerical Modelling of the Fluid-Structure Interaction in Complex Vascular Geometries (Joris Bols)
- Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of (Repaired) Aortic Coarctation (Liesbeth Taelman)
Academic year 2013-2014
- Computer simulations in stroke prevention: design tools and strategies towards virtual procedure planning (Francesco Iannaccone)
- A (bio)mechanical analysis of stent grafts for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (Sander De Bock)
Academic year 2012-2013
- Multi-level modelling of hepatic perfusion in support of liver transplantation strategies (Charlotte Debbaut)
- The Biomechanical Structure of the Seahorse Tail as a Source of Inspiration for Industrial Design (Tomas Praet)
- Image Based Flow Analysis of Microscale Biological Systems (Frederic Maes)
- Experimental and Computational Study of Vascular Access for Hemodialysis (Koen Van Canneyt)
Academic year 2011-2012
- Novel Mesh Generation Method for Accurate Image-Based Computational Modelling of Blood Vessels (Gianluca De Santis)
- Algorithm Development and Protocol Optimization for Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Dieter De Naeyer)
- The Role of Disturbed Hemodynamics in Aneurysm Formation in Mice (Bram Trachet)
- Automatic Localisation of Landmarks on Virtual Bone Models (Sofie Van Cauter)
Academic year 2010-2011
Academic year 2009-2010
- A Multiphysics Model for Improving the Ultrasonic Assessment of Large Arteries (Abigail Swillens)
- Computer Modelling of Coronary Bifurcation Stenting (Peter Mortier)
Academic year 2008-2009
- Applied Arterial Mechanics: from Theory to Clinical Practice (Sebastian Vermeersch)
Academic year 2007-2008
- Finite element stent design (Dr. ir. Matthieu De Beule)
- Fluid-Structure Interaction of Blood Vessels (Lieve Lanoye)
- Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Flow and Mass Transport in a Bioartificial Liver (Guy Mareels)
Academic year 2006-2007
- Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis of the Blood Flow in Cardiovascular Devices (Radoslav Kaminsky)
- Model-Based Quantification of Systolic and Diastolic Left Ventricular Mechanics (Tom Claessens)
Academic year 2004-2005
- Hemodynamics of vascular access for hemodialysis ( Ilse Van Tricht)
- Assessment of Vascular Haemodynamics (Koen Matthys)
- Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Heart Valve Dynamics (Kris Dumont)
- Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Dialysis (Sunny Eloot)
Academic year 2003-2004
- Modeling the Interaction between Cardiac Assist Devices and the Left Ventricle (Stijn Vandenberghe)
- Integrating medical imaging and computational fluid dynamics for measuring blood flow in carotid arteries (Fadi Glor)
Academic year 2001-2002
- Insights from model studies and clinical observations using colour M-mode doppler echocardiography (Stefaan De Mey)
Academic year 2000-2001
Academic year 1997-1998
- Modellering van de dialysebehandeling bij nierfalen (Dirk De Wachter)
- Biomechanische modellering van het arterieel systeem voor de niet-invasieve bepaling van de arteriële compliantie (Patrick Segers)
Academic year 1992-1993
- Studie van de bloedstroom doorheen de mitraalklep (Pascal Verdonck)