Filip De Turck


Filip De Turck is a full professor at the department of Information Technology (Intec) of Ghent University with expertise in communication software, network resource management, adaptive service delivery and efficient large scale data processing.

In this research area, he is involved in and successfully completed many research projects with industry and academia, served as Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Network Operations and Management (CNOM), former chair of the Future Internet Cluster of the European Commission, is on the TPC of many international network and service management conferences and workshops and serves on the Editorial Board of several network and service management journals. Prof. Filip De Turck regularly organizes international workshops on the above mentioned topics, served as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), and serves as steering committee member of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), the IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management (IM) Symposium, the IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft) and the IFIP/IEEE Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). He also served as chair of the IEEE SDN Initiative Conference Committee, which coordinates initiative IEEE events and conferences on Softwarized Networks.

Prof. Filip De Turck was named a Fellow of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for outstanding technical contributions to network resource management and adaptive service delivery. He is currently (co-)author of over 800 publications, his H-index is 65 (GS). He has successfully supervised 50 PhD students, who obtained the PhD degree under his supervision, and he is currently supervising 8 PhD students.

He received the IEEE ComSoc Dan Stokesberry Award 2021 for particularly distinguished technical contributions to the growth of the network operations and service management field, and the Research Innovation Award 2021 by the IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Community on Bio-inspired Computing.

Prof. Filip De Turck is a regular keynote speaker at conferences and workshops in his research domain.

He has been selected as a 2023-2024 IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer.

Research expertise

Communication software, Network resource management, Adaptive service delivery, Softwarized network management, Large-scale data processing, Software systems for healthcare, Anomaly detection, Performance and Resilience of ICT infrastructures and services.


In addition, several patents were obtained based on numerous collaborations with industry, as described below.

Industry collaborations

Successful collaborations with Adobe research, Alcatel-Lucent/Nokia Bell Labs, Axians, Barco, Belgacom/Proximus, Deutsche Telecom, Eandis, EnergyVille, Fifthplay, IBM, Inmanta, KPN, Orange, SDNsquare, Siemens, Skyline, Smappee, Telefonica, Telenet, Televic, Velocix, and Viessman. These collaborations resulted in project deliverables, software platforms, demonstrators, patents, joint publications, etc. Moreover, several industry partners used the project results directly in their products. In addition, the Tengu start-up company was founded based on the above research expertise and demand from industry.


Responsible teacher of the following courses in the Ghent University Engineering program:

  • Computer Programming
  • System Programming
  • Parallel and Distributed Software Systems
  • Data Analytics for Health Care and Connected Care

Master thesis topics

The Master thesis topics are available on the Plato platform (for students). These topics include:

  • Network resource management for holographic communications
  • Adaptive delivery techniques for real-time streaming of holograms
  • Efficient management of container-based clouds and micro-services
  • Advanced algorithms for softwarized network management and service delivery
  • Platform design for management of healthcare services and efficient decision support

Please contact me if you need more information.

Main professional services

  • Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) (2018-2021, 4 year term, Impact factor: 4.758);
  • Associate Editor of IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (impact factor: 33.84);

  • Steering Committee Member of IEEE/IFIP NOMS (2017-present), IFIP/IEEE IM (2017-present), and IEEE NetSoft (2015-present);
  • Member of the IEEE SDN Initiative Steering Committee, and Chair of Conference Committee (2014-2017); as Chair of Conferences of the IEEE SDN Initiative, significant contributions were made to the establishment of the IEEE NetSoft Conference in 2015 and the organization of 6 editions of the conference: in London, UK in 2015, Seoul, Korea in 2016, Bologna, Italy in 2017, Montreal, Canada, in 2018, Paris, France in 2019, and Ghent, Belgium in 2020;
  • Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Network Operations and Management (CNOM) (2017-2021); the IEEE CNOM Technical Committee focuses on network and service management research including network resource management and adaptive service delivery. It supports activities in these areas including the organization of conferences and workshops, journal and magazine publications, standard development, IEEE distinguished lectures program, etc.;
  • Research lead of several national projects with industry and academia, 2004-2018, including T-CASE, MISTRAL, V-FORCE, PROFLOW, Shift-TV, EMD, where advanced resource management and adaptive service delivery techniques were developed and thoroughly evaluated;
  • Steering Committee member of IFIP International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS), 2015-2018, and International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2018-present;
  • Vice-Chair of the IEEE Network Softwarization Conference (NetSoft) Steering Committee;

  • Chair of Alumni Association of Engineers graduated at Ghent University (2021-);
  • Vice chair of Alumni Association of Engineers graduated at Ghent University (2015-2020);
  • Chair of the EU Future Internet Cluster in the Frame Program 7 (FP7), 2014-2017, coordinating collaboration between European projects on future internet design, including network resource management and adaptive service delivery;
  • Chair of Industry and Academic collaborations of the EU FP7 Network of Excellence project FLAMINGO, 2012-2016, focusing on Future Internet design including resource management of softwarized networks, novel network monitoring and service delivery;
  • Chair of the Academic Board in the EU FP6 MUSE integrated project, 2004-2008, responsible for the coordination of the research work of the academic partners on advanced service delivery;
  • Technical Program Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Network Operations and Management (CNOM), 2011-2014;
  • Vice-chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Network Operations and Management (CNOM), 2015-2016;
  • Associate Editor-in-Chief of Wiley International Journal on Network Management, 2014-2018;
  • Associate Editor of Springer Journal on Network and Systems Management, 2011-2016;
  • Editorial Advisory Board Member of Springer Journal on Network and Service Management, 2014-present;
  • Associate Editor of Wiley International Journal on Network Management, 2012-present;
  • Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2017;
  • Lead Guest Editor of 3 IEEE TNSM special Issues on “Management of Softwarized Networks”, 2015-2017 (attracted 162 submissions in total);
  • Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2012-2016;
  • Guest Editor of IEEE Communications Magazines Feature Topic on “Advances in Networking Software”, 2017 (attracted 50+ paper submissions);
  • General Chair of IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) 2019 in Paris, France and NetSoft 2020 in  Ghent, Belgium;
  • Technical Program Committee Chair of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2012 in Hawaii, USA, IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management Symposium (IM) 2013 in Ghent, Belgium, and IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) 2016 in Seoul, Korea;
  • Symposium Chair of IEEE Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridcomm) 2011 in Brussels, Belgium and SmartGridcomm 2012 in Tainan City, Taiwan;
  • Technical Program Committee Member of IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2008-present, IFIP/IEEE IM 2007-present, IEEE NetSoft 2015-present, and numerous workshops organized by the network and service management community;
  • Founder and workshop chair of several IEEE workshops, including IEEE SmartGridMan 2010 in Osaka, Japan, IEEE QCMan 2013 in Ghent, Belgium, IEEE ManFi 2012 in Hawaii, USA, IEEE AnNet 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal, etc.;
  • Panels Chair of IFIP Networking Conference 2020 in Paris, France;
  • TPC Chair of IFIP International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS) 2010 in Zurich, Switzerland;
  • General Chair of IFIP International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS) 2015 in Ghent, Belgium;
  • Technical Program Committee Member of International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2010-present;
  • Principal Investigator Flanders AI Research Program;

  • Finance Chair of the IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management Symposium (IM), 2021 in Bordeaux, France;

  • Reviewer and panel member for NSF (National Science Foundation), USA;

  •  Workshop Chair for ACM SenSys conference, 2021, in Coimbra, Portugal;

  •  Award Committee Member for the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2021, Montreal, Canada;

  • Advisory Editorial Board member of Wiley Journal of Software: Practice and Experience (2021-);
  • Co-Chair of the Distinguished Expert Panel at the International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2021 in Izmir, Turkey;

  • Co-Chair of the Distinguished Expert Panel at the IEEE Network Softwarization Conference (NetSoft), 2022 in Milan, Italy;

  • Publication Chair IEEE Future Directions Initiative on Public Safety;

  • Patron Chair for IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2023), Miami, Florida.

Research infrastructure and software platforms

Research projects typically involve algorithm and software prototype development, together with large-scale experimental studies to validate the research findings and to obtain realistic data-sets. Several open-source platforms are developed (including Obelisk, JFed, Tengu). An overview of the developed research infrastructure is available here.
During the EU FP7 Fed4Fire (2012-2016) and H2020 Fed4Fire+ (2017-2020) flagship projects, the largest federation of world-wide Next Generation Internet (NGI) testbeds was established. The JFed resource management and service delivery software framework was designed and produced. This software framework is successfully used on the world-wide testbeds.

Awards and recognitions

  • IEEE ComSoc Dan Stokesberry Award 2021 for particularly distinguished technical contributions to the growth of the network operations and service management field;

  • IEEE Fellow for outstanding technical contributions to network resource management and adaptive service delivery, 2021;

  • IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (2023-24);

  • IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Community on Bio-inspired Computing: Research Innovation Award 2021;

  • Best Reviewer Award at IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2022), Budapest, Hungary;
  • Boulvin-Van Engelen Award by Faculty of Engineering for obtaining M.Sc. degree with the highest scores, Ghent University, 1997;
  • PhD Fellowship by the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders (1997-2001);
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders (2002-2006);
  • Best Paper Award Finalist IEEE CCGrid 2001, paper “Design of a generic platform for efficient and scalable cluster computing based on middleware technology”;
  • Alcatel-Lucent master thesis award, 2006, students Donny Tytgat, Jeroen De Wachter;
  • Best Paper Award IEEE ATNAC 2007, paper “Efficient management of synchronised interactive services through the design of MCDP middleware”;
  • Best Paper Award IEEE ATNAC 2008, paper “Design and implementation of a hybrid remote display protocol to optimize multimedia experience on thin client devices”;
  • Best Paper Award for the 2009 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics;
  • Best Paper Award ACHI 2009 conference, paper “UIML based design of multimodal interactive applications with strict synchronization requirements”;
  • Best Paper Award eTELEMED 2009, paper “Design of software services for computer-based infection control and antibiotic management in the intensive care unit”;
  • Alcatel-Lucent master thesis award, 2009, students Pieter Dhondt, Tim Verbelen;
  • Alcatel-Lucent master thesis award, 2010, student Killian De Smedt;
  • Best Paper Award IFIP/IEEE IM 2011, paper “Design and evaluation of a hierarchical application placement algorithm in large scale clouds”;
  • Best Paper Award Mobilware 2012, paper “Adaptive application configuration and distribution in mobile cloudlet middleware”;
  • Best Ph.D. Dissertation award by student Steven Latré for dissertation “Autonomic QoE Management of Multimedia Networks” during the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2012 in Hawaii, USA;
  • Best Paper Award AIMS 2013, paper “Design and Evaluation of Tile Selection Algorithms for Tiled HTTP Adaptive Streaming”;
  • Scientific Award Alcatel-Lucent Bell 2014 for PhD Dissertation of student Tim Verbelen;
  • Best Paper Award IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2014, paper “Design and Evaluation of Learning Algorithms for Dynamic Resource Management in Virtual Networks”;
  • Best Demo Award IEEE INFOCOM 2017 CNERT (Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds) workshop, Paris, France for paper “RPiaaS: A Raspberry Pi Testbed for Validation of Cloud Resource Management Strategies”;
  • Best Paper Award IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Services Computing 2018, paper “Unikernels versus containers: an in-depth benchmarking study in the context of microservices applications”;
  • Best Presentation Award at ISBNPA 2018 (Hong Kong) for paper “Assessing navigation in eHealth apps: a Markov chain analysis of the Start2Cycle app”;

  • Best Demo Award MMSys 2019, paper “Exploring New York in 4K – an Adaptive Tile-based Virtual Reality Video Streaming Experience”;
  • Best Dissertation Runner-up Award MMSys 2019 for student Jeroen van der Hooft, dissertation “Low-latency Delivery of Adaptive Video Streaming Services”;
  • Best Student Paper Award CLOSER 2019, paper “FUSE: a Microservice Approach to Cross-domain Federation using Docker Containers”;
  • Best Student Paper Award Finalist at AIME 2019 (Poznan, Poland) for paper “A Critical Look at Studies Applying Over-Sampling on the TPEHGDB Dataset”;

  • Award Finalist for ISWC 2019 “Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2019”;

  • Best Paper Award International Conference of Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMex), 2020, Paper “Objective and Subjective QoE Evaluation for Adaptive Point Cloud Streaming”;

  • Best PhD Thesis and Dissertation award at SBRC 2020 for student Roberto Iraja Tavares da Costa Filho, dissertation “From 2D to Next Generation VR/AR Videos: Enabling Efficient Streaming via QoE-aware Mobile Networks”;

  • FWO Postdoctoral Fellowships for Tim Wauters, Maria Torres Vega, Pieter Bonte, Jeroen van der Hooft and José Pedro Pereira dos Santos (2008-2022);

  • Invited keynote speaker at various international conferences, such as QoMex 2021, ITC 2021, CoNEXT ViSNext 2021, IEEE LatinCom 2021, IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2022, IEEE Globecom 2022, etc;
  • imec PhD Excellence Award 2022 for student José Pedro Pereira dos Santos;
  • ICWE 2022 Best Demo Paper Award for paper "Solid Web Monetization";
  • TomTom Innovation award, 2022, master student Bert Verstraete;
  • Best Paper Award IoTBDS 2023 Conference, paper “Castles Built on Sand: Observations from Classifying Academic Cybersecurity Datasets with Minimalist Methods”;
  • Best Ph.D. Dissertation award by student José Pedro Pereira dos Santos for dissertation “Efficient Management in Fog Computing” during the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2023 in Miami, Florida, USA;
  • IBM Innovation Award 2023 for Ph.D. student José Pedro Pereira dos Santos;
  • Best Paper Award CLOSER 2024, paper “Feather: Lightweight Container Alternatives for Deploying Workloads in the Edge”.


Prof. Dr. Ir. Filip De Turck
Department of Information Technology  (EA05)
Ghent University – imec
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126
B-9052 Gent,  Belgium

t: +32 9 331 49 32

m: +32 473 73 81 37

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