Collaborative and Deterministic Wireless Networking
To cope with the increasing density and diversity of connected wireless devices with diverging applications demands, IDLab is investigating (1) collaborative and intelligent solutions to optimize radio resource usage, and (2) flexible software/hardware architectures enabling runtime instantiation, (re)configuration and (re)programming of wireless devices. The wireless activities at IDLab are structured in 6 research priorities::
- Application-driven Network Configurability and Programmability: focussing on automatic translation of both standard-based and innovative IoT application dynamics (CoAP, bindings, grouping,…) into network reconfigurations
- High Throughput Network Protocols: designing the new link layer, network and transport protocols for 10Gbps connectivity and more in very dense environments, complex topologies and using a myriad of technologies (Wi-Fi, cellular, 60 GHz, etc.)
- Resource Constrained IoT Devices & Networks: investigating ubiquitous solutions that transparently support a plethora of technologies (e.g., LoRa, DASH7, BLE, IEEE 802.15.4g), targeting co-creation of hardware prototyping and embedded protocol stack design as well as improved interactions with embedded devices.
- Management and Control of Complex Wireless Networks: battling the heterogeneous and dense wireless environments of the future by relying on self-adaptive and learning-based approaches.
- Cognitive Collaborative Radio Networks: realizing collaborative radio resource management between independent co-located wireless networks consisting of real-time, reconfigurable software defined radios by applying advanced learning and reasoning strategies.
- Localisation & Tracking: localizing people and things in challenging environmental conditions by leveraging on off the shelf wireless technologies (a.o. UWB, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, BLE, Sigfox, DASH7) & through large-scale validations in testbeds.
Steven Latré & Ingrid Moerman
Involved faculty
Chris Blondia, Eli De Poorter, Jeroen Famaey, Steven Latré, Jeroen Hoebeke, Ingrid Moerman, Maarten Weyn