Electronics and electronic devices
From applied physics to electronic applications
- Solar cells
- Magnetic thin films
- Thermodynamics
- Solution of complex magnetic field problems
- Antenna design
- Characterization of physical properties of wireless networks
- Low frequency electromagnetic fields and magnetic materials
- Nanophotonics and photonic crystals
- Non-linear all-optical functions
- Photonic ICs
- Photonic modeling and design tools
- Sensors and bio-sensors
- Organic light emitting diodes
- Outdoor sound propagation, noise mapping
- Noise and odour annoyance prediction, (urban) soundscaping
- Computational modeling of perception and appraisal of the environment by synthetic populations
Advanced components, circuits and system design
- Analog IC design
- Advanced sensor systems
- RF and High-speed Circuits and Systems
- Optical Transceivers
- Power Electronics
Microsystems technology
- High density interconnection
- Large area electronics
- Optical interconnects and sensors
- Smart power ASIC design
Display components and systems
Software, hardware and embedded systems
- Embedded systems
- System software
- Software performance
RF and High-speed Circuits and Systems