The colleagues at the International Office Elke and Laura are here to help!
- exchange students can contact Elke via int.feb@ugent.be
- degree students can contact Laura via degree.eb@ugent.be
Feeling good at Ghent University
- Tips and tricks via the Ufora site student@warmugent
- Workshops about lack of concentration, declining motivation, personal distress, ...
- Individual counselling with the student counselling office
- Tips and tricks for maximizing your study efficiency
- Financial aid and study costs: social service
- Website Feeling good at Ghent University
By and for students
- Stuveco offers you 'studelen' and 'homo economicus', a bundle with exam questions and summaries for your courses
- VEK has a Facebook group for international students, organizing online events such as game nights and exam info sessions
Study and work places
- the City of Ghent offers study locations. For those who want to study in silence, but still with other students ...
- Study at our faculty library: Campus Tweekerken, 3th floor. Mon-Thu 9am until 8pm Fri 9am until 5pm.
- Study together virtually via the online study places of our faculty library on discord
International Relations Office (IRO)
- Students can get assistance from the International Support Team (part of the IRO at institutional level)
- All exchange students have received an invitation for a digital game night on December 10th.