Javier Cruz

Where do I start? Applying for a visa? Finding a place to live? Choosing a university? What kind of program should I take? Will the program give me what I'm looking for? I'm sure all of us have thought about at least one of these questions. 

But perhaps the most difficult thing to do in life is to take the first step. This first step that has the power to move all around and create millions of opportunities. It means leaving all the things behind, friends, family, jobs, status, language, food, and taking the risk to live. 

If you're reading this, my dear friend, it means that you did it. And more wonderful things are coming, so keep your seat belt adjusted because this is just the beginning. 

Me as many other people is proud of you because you have decided to go ahead with your dreams and keep rolling. 

How far can we get? At least as this moment all the initial question has been answered, Now it depends just on you the person that you want to be. 

So, where do you go from here? It's all up to you. But one thing is for sure: you've already taken the most important step. You've decided to go for it. 

Now, it's time to start dreaming big. What do you want to achieve? What kind of person do you want to be? Once you know what you want, go after it with everything you've got. 

Don't be afraid to take risks. Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of life, and it's how we learn and grow. Just keep moving forward, and never give up on your dreams. 


You can do this! 




Javier Cruz