Yunona Bernatska

Yunona Bernatska

Hello everyone,


I'm Yunona Bernatska from Ukraine, currently pursuing my Master's in Marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Ghent.

I've been in this vibrant city for just three months, and I couldn't wait to share some of my experiences with all the international students out there.

From the moment I arrived, Ghent captured my heart. The cobblestone streets, the picturesque canals, and the medieval architecture create a unique atmosphere that is both charming and inviting. But what truly makes Ghent special is its people.


Despite the initial impression of Belgians being reserved, I've found them to be incredibly warm and supportive once you break through that initial barrier. It may take some time to become a part of their friend group, but the effort is undoubtedly worth it. I've been fortunate to meet numerous international students who understand the challenges of adapting to a new culture and have become my companions on this exciting journey.

Now, let's get to the good stuff – beer. I lost count of how many I've tried, but the challenge was accepted! If you're not measuring distances in "bike minutes," are you even doing Ghent right? Biking became my thing faster than you can say "waffles."

Rain? Oh, it's just a gentle reminder that you're in Ghent. You get used to it, promise. And when it comes to dancing, TheSpot Dance Studio is my sanctuary. The beats, atmosphere, the moves – pure magic.

But let me spill the beans on my must-go places. Hotclub, the spot for live jazz, is my vibe. Picture this: a cozy corner, smooth jazz, and maybe a cheeky cocktail. Then there's Dok Noord – karaoke central! Grab your crew, belt out your favorite tunes, and thank me later.

And can we talk about the canals? Find a sweet spot, grab a bite, and soak in the view. It's like a postcard come to life. Oh, and mark your calendar for Aroma's cooking evening in Gentbrugge. Cooking with grandmas – need I say more? It's like a culinary journey with a dash of nostalgia.

To my fellow adventurers, Ghent is waiting for you. Here's to a year of unforgettable moments and making Ghent your own!


If you're up for a chat over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, I'm all in! Let's discuss Marketing strategies, share stories, and explore Ghent together. Hit me up at Can't wait to connect!



Yunona Bernatska


And Glory to Ukraine!